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Spirit Release

 Spirit Release can help if you feel targeted by dark forces, your soul has disconnected from your light body or feel you have attachments. This session will be recorded, (not in-person) so that I can move quickly in the session for my own protection. I have lowered the price, but understand you may not get every detail of the session. I will recount what I remember. This allows me to go deeper and do full scale removal. This list is not exhaustive. It is useful for removing:

1. Negative entity attachments; non-existent attachments; demons; spirits who have not crossed over and attached to you; harmful energy sent to you and cords to other people from previous toxic relationships; hard to find implants hidden in the real energetic body (which is not the overlay of chakras and meridians); all A.I. (artificial intelligence) interference; false overlays; handlers; false timelines and loops; succubus/incubus energies; hooks from psychics or healers/energy workers; spell work, black magic, curses or hate directed at you in ritual format by black magicians; black goo; wraiths; insect fallen ones attempting to take over your light body; any number of entities; ownership contracts for selling your soul in the soul market by different ai races; implants from channeling a “false light being” or channeling a healing modality such as Reiki and using symbology (removing the symbol implants so that you can utilize your own true energy work) without knowing the source of the symbols (many healing methods are hijacked); etheric ties, cords, bindings; false mind program overlays – mass or individual; release from fake “spiritual mission” new age programming and other umbrella overlays; removal of blocks sabotaging your actual soul purpose; blocking long distance energy weapons and mind control; breaking contracts of all types; removing seals; all implants placed on you through group involvement, initiations and other “rites of passage” or simply joining a group in any lifetime; removing hidden green screens and portals to your energy; bar codes, marks, nano, soul tube sabotage, portals, alien interference on different dimensions or overlays who have targeted you; military and cult targeting and control; new age or spiritual and religious groups, gurus, that leave all their astral energy with you or tied to you, and more. Due to the Harvest Portal attempt in 2/2/22, and the problems with many allowing the injection of nano into the body, I have added the service of remaking a light body, due to the magnetic changes in the old one. And possible rescue of the old light body depending on case-by-case basis. (This involves harvesting, taking light bodies and/or souls, rapture, loading on ships – whatever you want to call it. But it has been addressed in many belief systems and is happening now.) If the soul itself is being held, this is a different service – Soul Rescue – and I often need assistance with this, again depending on circumstances. Soul Rescue is currently unavailable. 

2. We will also break all vows, pacts, promises, initiations and contracts from this life and previous lives – known or unknown; as well as false alien contracts of ownership as a means of controlling you; contracts with false light guides, archangels/fallen angels, ascended masters, spiritual hierarchy, federations; and many other so-called, false lightworker “guides” and channels.

3. A Spirit Release session may involve healing the wounds left from betrayal, grief and other emotions caused by the so-called “of the light” guides who gave you healing and other tools, a spiritual mission and then let you down again and again, as your life did not change, nor did your issues get resolved no matter what method you tried. False teachings are the easiest way to discourage and bring down a person; loss of hope; giving our power away; living in fear. Because of this I will remove false timelines inserted over your own to attract poverty, poor relationships, or in general steer you in the wrong direction of why you came here. 

Some possible signs of energy attacks:  drained or depressed emotional state that has no logical explanation/cause; generational curses, schizophrenia; recurring bad dreams/nightmares; series of failures no matter how hard you work or try; problems at night or pressure on the chest; sensing beings around you; cars tailing you or driving aggressively; people in public wanting to run into you or seem to be following you; unexplained ringing or buzzing in the ears; feeling mind wiped and unable to remember simple things; living with emotional, mental or financial energy vampires (NPC’s/Robotoids causing trauma) ; hearing voice or thought forms that are not your own – seem to be outside of you or cause pressure on the head; seeing shadows or dark things in peripheral; children in the home mentioning monsters, things visiting at night or imaginary friends; hearing noises in the house; feeling pushed or shoved; finding strange things left on your property or in your home; sexual dreams that you can’t stop or awaken from, physical pains with no explanation.

Possible causes of energy attacks or being singled out (doesn’t mean these will always cause attachments or attacks. Some people have better natural protection): Publicly speaking out; Being a key player in the future of freeing humanity; heavy drug use; antidepressant or mind-altering drugs; sleep aids; undergoing general anesthesia; working or being near cemeteries, hospitals, bars, nightclubs, strip clubs and other low energy places; having a lowered or compromised immune system; provoking witches, satanists or any black magic group; living or having sex with someone who has attachments, is possessed, or have been involved with ritualistic abuse and have not cleared themselves; being in an area where a satanic ritual has taken place; being in haunted or bad energy places; having tattoos (possible portals), scars or anywhere on the skin where it has been cut and penetrated; being involved in cult initiations, rituals or sacrifice; denial and ignorance – denying evil exists thereby making yourself an easy target to drain; watching a lot of T.V.; playing video games; watching porn; bringing in a foreign object into your home – or previously owned one that has entities attached to it (or something used in a dark ritual etc. – get rid of it before the session); excessive drinking or alcohol; poor nutrition; high doses of processed sugar; hospitalizations; nano, vaccines, MSG and other food poisons; possibly 5G and other EMFs; a willingness to want a deceased loved one to attach to us instead of crossing over; being around any place that has spirit activity, uncontrolled spirit circles, and regular ritualistic practices; and the list goes on.

What a Spirit Release does not include – Full de-possession. If a person is fully possessed, their soul most likely left a long time ago. An exorcism may be performed but the practitioner must know how to return the soul. Otherwise, they will be left with an empty shell, which the entity/entities can return to occupy later. Anmarie does not always provide this service and may refer you to someone who does. She also does not work with those who are currently or have been employed by 3-letter agencies or involved in secret government programs. Anmarie reserves the right to end your session immediately should she find any of the above. You will not receive a refund, so please bear this in mind when booking your session.