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Tarot • Astrology • chaldean numerology • Animal Communication

Tarot & Oracle Card and Akashic readings are great for answering any question more specifically or analyzing any situation in fine detail. The Love Reading goes into specifics surrounding any relationship. 

Animal Communication and Mediumship are great for connecting with your current or deceased pets or loved ones who have passed on. The Quickie Reading is a general 10-minute session that you can book once, check in regularly or subscribe weekly to receive a spiritual perspective and guidance on your life right now.

Trees are connected to humanity and have messages for us. A Tree Reading taps into specific trees that have a connection to you delivering messages specific to you.

Readings are scheduled in advance and most types have an online live or pre-recorded option.

Schedule A Reading

Thank you for scheduling a reading. Please use the calendar to select a time for your reading. You will have a pop-down menu to select the type of reading to book. Pre-Recorded readings may be a week later than scheduled depending on the energy required for the reading type.

Once you fill out your appointment and contact details you will be directed to your Paypal login. Once scheduled, you will receive an email confirmation.

By booking an appointment you agree to the Terms & Conditions.


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