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Spirit Release • Soul Rescue • healing torpedoes

The following healing services are ideal for removing interferences/attacks to your light or soul body. Spirit Release removes anything interfering with your light body and its soul connection. Soul Piece Return – similar to a shamanistic soul retrieval – is useful if you have pieces of your consciousness/soul walled off due to trauma/joyful experiences and want these pieces brought back. Soul Rescue for rescuing your soul if it is being held and undergoing trauma. Often physical body results are experienced from these. They are periodically unavailable due to the energy required to deliver these services, as well as dangers to Anmarie.

Spirit Release
& Soul Rescue

This is a combining of two sessions. Removing anything that should not be in your energy field, reconnecting the soul and other ​issues with the light body. More info. $169.

Temporarily unavailable. 

Healing Torpedo

Anmarie releases a blast to your light body, soul, timeline and auric field. Removing anything interfering with light of Spirit. And seals it with a karmic reversal bubble. Not a full removal. Booking about 3-4 weeks out.

Temporarily unavailable:                                         Pre-Recorded. $15 each. (Overbooked ATM)

Healing for Patreons

This session is only available for Patreon members as part of their subscription. Join my Patreon team here.



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