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Free Courses and Content

Anmarie Uber/Truthmeter Channel has recorded over 500 videos of free content on Youtube for the last 7 years, however due to multiple strikes, most of the videos have been permanently deleted. Including free of charge classes based on her 30 years of knowledge. Some of her videos are still on and a limited number on

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Mini Past Life Regression

I would recommend gridding yourself in a triangle with 3 protective stones and put a bubble of protection around yourself before doing any visualization or guided session. Available here

Launching a New Business?

Here is the sizzling shortcut to naming your business, and picking a name that will boost it’s success, while removing unnecessary setbacks!!!

You Need This Cheatsheet If…

  • You are launching a brand new business to set up luck and success from the get-go!
  • You are considering a name change for an existing business. 
  • You are wanting to name a creative work. 

Find Your Lucky Days

Free booklet download of “My Chaldean Days” to help you find your luckiest days from 2020 – 2030. This book has been revised and expanded in my Numerology Book 5. Some knowledge of Chaldean Numerology is necessary.

5 Revocations of the Control System – by Shelley and Emily

BY SHELLEY AND EMILY and shared here. (I suggest any time you say “deletion” you say instead “permanent deletion”): THESE ARE ONLY LIGHTED EDITED. YOU MAY NEED TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS FOR YOUR NEEDS. AND SOMETIMES IT IS BEST TO USE LESS WORDS.

I kept seeing a serpent looping me in time, every time I tried to delete him he would come back, I realized I had to burn the contracts and specifically state with money/undo BM/spells with money, as he was contracting me via money as a way to trap me in time (time is money). I told him to F off as I am a divine (extension of) creator and can create my own wealth. This is an integration of Anmarie’s deletion protocols with this timeline edit and I found it very powerful. Every morning I’m doing the full haul and reclaiming and restoring.
1. Time Revocation:
I am the true divine creator and I stand in my true power, divinity and authority. I audit my connection to Time and revoke all contracts, trades, deals and spells with time. The laws of time do not apply to me, as this world is in breach of copyright laws, and as a divine infinite being, I am not bound by these laws, as I exist outside of all time. All that exists in the Now, in all moments. 

As the true divine creator (extension of) I revoke and burn all contracts with time lords, time/serpent entities, kundalini, money spells/contracts, clocks, time machines and anything to do with trapping me in time and into this virtual. All spells, conjurings and curses are burnt and undone, sent back to sender, all that is not mine is returned to you. (Insert removal ask your divine spark of light to scan your field and remove any time entities/contracts you find.)

​I audit my timeline and revoke all time loops, time space manipulations, edits, false scripting/coding, corruptions of any nature, mirrors and tricks, all interferences are deleted and cut out of my timeline and I am reattached to the true original sovereign timeline that supports my true joyful soul plan; as I exist in all Now moments, and attract and amplify to me all that is for highest good, in all now moments.

You do not have permission to access me via time; all access points are now shut down and overridden, as I am not bound by time – shut down NOW NOW NOW NOW (close down any portals etc.)

I activate my unique codes and keys filtered through my true heart space to reboot, reclaim and restore my true timeline that supports my infinite power, joy, prosperity, freedom and sovereignty. It is done, it is so.
​We believe the divine feminine womb has been hijacked to power up this machine so we have to reclaim – somehow links with the moon matrix too.
2. Sexual energy and Womb space harvesting Revocation:
(Open the session)
I revoke all harvesting of my sexual energy and any targeting of my womb space. 
All sexual energy, being used to power devices / AI, I neutralize and disable and undo in all moments. I do not give you permission to access me. 
I revoke all devices, implants, interferences of any nature, that are being used to interfere with me, my womb space and sexual energy centre. (Insert removal and scan womb for devices and entities/infestations parasites etc., decloak / remove / Visualize all burning off / undoing BM) all are deleted and erased in all moments – NOW. You do not have permission to exist. All contracts are null and void as you are in breach of copy right laws. (Burn contracts and it all back and now trace back the cords)

All cords, entanglements, hooks linking me to any entities/programs accessing my womb, (greys mantis reps false light beings etc) via breeding programs, harvesters, milabs, AI spiders/webs, moon matrix, incubus, voodoo tech, clones – ANY cords accessing my womb, you are now shut down and overridden across all time, space, dimension across all matrices and virtuals. (Add to scan any cords linking to past sexual partners that may still be corded to you harvesting/leaching onto you)

All portals/wormholes you are shutdown NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. You do not have permission to hijack my womb or use as a portal. All inversions of my womb are reversed and I am brought back to wholeness.

All energies that were harvested, including DNA, regardless of consent or agreement, is reclaimed, back through my true heart space. All is harmonized and recalibrated back to my true original natural blueprint in perfect harmony. 

My sexual energy is protected and shielded in all moments, and mirrored back to me, recycled back into my creational energy, as I amplify my creational abilities in all infinite moments. 

I am the true divine authority and I stand in my true power in all moments. My game my rules. 

(Close session and portal)
​We found they kept running simulations of me. In the dream time of my digital copy hooked up to Meta / next virtual (I kept going to restaurants doing everyday things as they pilot programmed my digital copy – I know you have touched on this so thought to share)
3. Meta Revocation:
I revoke all contracts with the metaverse / metatron’s cube / AI, regardless of consent or agreement, as you are in breach of copyright laws, and all contracts are burnt and deleted, all cords linked to these contracts and entities burnt, overridden and deleted. All black magics, conjurings and curses are undone and sent back to sender x10. You do not have permission to access me. 

All nanotech, tubes, devices, implants, neuralink, that is being used to hook into me, my soul and lightbody, to the Metaverse via a digital copy/clone of me, all are removed and unhooked, neutralised and shut down, including my digital copy (copies) of me, all is disabled, shut down, all back-ups and memory erased. You do not have permission to copy me, as I am the true original sovereign creator and override all mimics/digital copies in all moments, across all virtuals, matrices, world’s and tesseracts. 

I revoke all pilot programs being used to access my lightbody linking me to all digital copies of me in the dream time. I do not give you permission to run these simulations. All cords, portals and connections of any kind linking me to these simulations in the dream time are burnt, cut and deleted, all is sent back to you. NO PERMISSION. All backups of linking are erased. All pilot programs are erased and shut down out of my program NOW NOW NOW NOW. 

As I am the true creator, the real, and I stand in my true power, divinity and authority in all moments. I activate my unique codes and keys filtered through my true heart space to reboot and harmonise my soul, spirit, and all bodies (light body, emotional body, spiritual body, physical body) back to my true original natural sovereign blueprint. I hereby decree that I reclaim and restore all that is rightfully mine and return to wholeness. I am the true original divine spark and organic. This is my game and my rules. I am the creator, I am the boss, I am in charge, and I wield my infinite power in all moments. Everything is in my favour. 

4. Power/Chess Moves – I Win – Revocation

By my decree, any and all chess moves against me, my light body and true soul/spirit are now audited, exposed and out created across quantum time space and creation, the matrices & tesseracts– as I AM the true sovereign creator – and I override and shutdown all interferences, coding and targeting of any nature, you do not have permission to access me, all are shut down NOW NOW NOW!

Any negative, dark or AI entities cannot out create me as you have no true source energy, and you have breached copyright laws therefore I hand you and send a wave of copyright infringements out with kill switches attached. You have entered my game, my rules, where all energy is audited, and any stolen or abuse of energy is audited, neutralized, erased, deprogrammed & permanently deleted in all moments. I reclaim and restore all that is rightfully mine.

I activate the true codes and keys and my true souls blueprint filtered through my true heart space to reboot my program for all outcomes that are for my highest good. As I am the divine authority and I stand in my true infinite power in all moments.

“By my decree, I activate the chess moves protocol in all moments, any and all chess moves made against me are shut down and overridden in all moments, as I reboot my program for all outcomes that are for my highest good” 

Shalini’s timeline reboot revocation

5. Timeline Reboot Reclaim Restore Revocation:

I am the true sovereign source creator, I am the divine authority in here. 
I stand in my true power in all infinite moments. 

By my decree as the True Creator and Divine Authority, I hack and override all systems of control, control centres, matrixes and the mainframe of this mind program, as you are just a computer program, a virus, a mere copy, and you are in breach of copyright laws. 
I am the Real, I am the true divine consciousness, and I hold all infinite power over you. You have ZERO control over me. Your laws do not apply to me. As I am a Divine BEing. All you send to me, I send back to you.

I collapse all centres of control, across all virtuals and tesseracts, that is being used to code my reality to usurp and abuse me, my timeline and scripting – all that is not for my highest good is now exposed and audited, across all time space, neutralised, revoked and deleted. (Visualise collapsing all interferences – like a pac man eating all viruses and deleting all monsters.)

All nanobots and tech that is hooking me up to the mainframe is unhooked from me and deleted. All contracts, trades and deals with the watchers/fake controllers/ai, regardless of agreement of any kind, are revoked, burnt, uncreated and deleted, all back ups erased, in all moments, all cords are cut. Fuck you. (Visualise burning all contracts and cords into nothing.)

Permission to access me denied. Your access to me is overriden and blocked in all moments. (Visualise closing/block all portals, reflect everything back etc.)
I super audit my timeline and true soul script. 

I revoke all hijacking, diversions, blocks, resets, time loops, edits, overwhelm, distractions, tamperings, manipulations, usurping, abuse, false overlays and corruptions of any nature – all are revoked, uncreated, deleted and erased, out of my program, timeline and soul script. Permission to exist DENIED, you are deleted and shut down NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.

All interferences are cut and edited out of my program and timeline NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW, all systems and programmes that are not for my highest good are overriden in all moments shut down NOW NOW NOW NOW. (visualise deleting all crap and loops out of timeline.)

I re-attach my timeline to my true original timeline and true soul script.
I activate my unique codes and keys filtered through my true heart space, to correct and reprogram my reality that supports my true joyful soul plan with my OWN scripting – as I reclaim and restore all that is rightfully mine. 

I restore my original natural blueprint  – all is brought back to the true zero point of zero points, harmonised and returned to wholeness.  Reboot, NOW NOW NOW!

I am living my best life on my highest most optimal timeline in my highest potential, as I am infinite in power, abundance, prosperity, wealth, joy, creative ability, freedom and sovereignty. (Visualise what you want to see in your life/timeline.)

I amplify to me all that is for my highest good NOW!
As I am the true divine authority, and all is on MY terms, in MY divine time, activated NOW as this is MY GAME, MY RULES, MY WORLD. I am the REAL. I am in charge. I am the BOSS. 

Everything is in my favour. Everything is in my favour. Everything is in my favour. 

Another brilliant revocation by Shelly:

By my decree, I revoke all contracts with the metaverse / metatron’s cube(spiral etc.) / AI, regardless of consent or agreement, as you are in breach of copyright laws, all contracts are burnt and permanently deleted, all cords linked to these contracts and entities burnt, overridden and deleted. All black magics, conjurings and curses are undone and sent back to sender. You do not have permission to access me. 

All nanotech, tubes, devices, implants, neuralink, that is being used to hook into me, my soul and lightbody, to the Metaverse via a digital copy/clone of me, all are removed and unhooked, neutralized and shut down, including my digital copy (copies) of me, all is disabled, shut down, all back-ups and memory erased. You do not have permission to copy me, as I am the true original sovereign creator and override all mimics/digital copies in all moments, across all virtuals, matrices, worlds and tesseracts. 

I revoke all pilot programs being used to access my lightbody linking me to all digital copies of me in the dream time. I do not give you permission to run these simulations. All cords, portals and connections of any kind linking me to these simulations in the dream time are burnt, cut and permanently deleted, all intended harm is sent back to you. NO PERMISSION. All backups of linking are erased. All pilot programs are erased and shut down out of my program NOW NOW NOW!

As I am the true creator, the real, and I stand in my true power, divinity and authority in all moments. I activate my unique codes and keys filtered through my true heart space to reboot and harmonize my soul, spirit, and all bodies (light body, emotional body, spiritual body, physical body) back to my true original natural sovereign blueprint. 
By my decree, I reclaim and restore all that is rightfully mine and return to wholeness. I am the true original divine spark and organic, I am the real. This is my game and my rules. I am the creator, I am the boss, I am in charge, and I wield my infinite power in all moments.
Everything is in my favour.